The Access to Justice Technology Fellowship Program (ATJ Tech Fellows) is an exciting new fellowship program that provides law students a unique opportunity to participate in a 10-week summer experience, working with legal services organizations to assist in developing new models of user-friendly, accessible, and engaging legal services through the use of technology.
These fellowship placements educate students about the changing landscape in service delivery and empower future lawyers with the skills and technological competencies to address the complex issues that plague our justice system.
Through our summer fellowship program, we will provide diverse, stimulating experiential and educational opportunities for law students throughout the nation. Our goal is to increase law students' understanding of the current problems that prevent individuals from receiving legal services and cultivate in law students the skills and technological competencies to one day change our current model and make justice accessible for all.
We believe the legal profession and the clients they serve will benefit as a whole if law students are utilized in a meaningful way through exposure to 21st century skills and practical experience by working with technology tools that are expanding legal access and improving the delivery of legal services.
To meet the needs of a rapidly changing legal profession and growing justice gap, the next generation of lawyers must be equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to reshape our profession and make justice more accessible for underserved communities.
ATJ Tech Fellows therefore exists to prepare such leaders to answer this call through our competency-based skills training model, experiential fellowship placements, and a collaborative ecosystem of partners. We believe the legal profession and the communities they serve will benefit as a whole if law students are utilized in a meaningful way to leverage innovation in closing the access to justice gap.
ATJ Tech Fellows envisions a future where equal access to justice is only an ideal, but a tangible reality. Its starts a with a transformative learning approach.
In a constantly changing legal profession, how can we equip the next set of leaders with the tools and skills to leverage innovation in addressing our widening access to justice gap? By creating a pipeline of future lawyers who are trained with the skills and competencies required in an increasingly technological society, we can accelerate the pace of future innovations in our justice system and gradually reduce those barriers standing in the way of equal access to justice for all.
To promote disruptive innovation in our civil justice system, ATJ Tech Fellows is built on a set of values that serve to guide the work of those striving to fulfill its mission:
Respect for the families and communities we serve.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels of our organization, within our programming, and through the selection of our fellows.
Collaboration with partners and organizations that share our core values.
© 2021 popUPjustice | Community Building + Social Innovation